Higly adaptive, single man-portable AUV

YUCO-Carrier micro-AUV is the ideal tool to embed your sensors or even your autonomous sondes!

YUCO-Carrier is provide with all the necessary functions to be ready-to-deploy :

  • INX Navigation system
  • SEAPLAN Software
  • Embedded rechargeable batteries
  • Field case and accessories
  • DVL (in option)

Κατηγορία: ROV & AUV

YUCO-CARRIER, higly adaptive, single man-portable AUV


YUCO-Carrier micro-AUV is the ideal tool to embed your sensors or even your autonomous sondes!
YUCO-Carrier is provide with all the necessary functions to be ready-to-deploy :
• INX Navigation system
• SEAPLAN Software
• Embedded rechargeable batteries
• Field case and accessories
• DVL (in option)

The unique wet payload capability allow to flexibly implement any type of waterproof sonde or sensor. YUCO micro-AUV payload capacity:

• Up to ~ 2kg
• > 45cm length
• Autonomous or powered by YUCO-Carrier

YUCO-Carrier is equipped with Subconn connectors and can provide power and serial data-communication. If provided with .step files SEABER element to be integrated to fit in the YUCO underwater vehicle. With the payload YUCO-Carrier micro-AUV as an autonomy up to 10 hours.
YUCO-Carrier underwater vehicle is ideally fitter for costal monitoring or lake monitoring that require to go often at site even for single person deployments.
What changes all in YUCO-Carrier, is that it is now possible to consider to carry a fully autonomous system on small and cost effective AUV. Make YUCO-Carrier micro-AUV the “taxi-driver” of the payload of your choice.





• Lenght: 98cm
• Diameter: 12cm
• Weight in air: 8kg

• Depth rating: 300m
• Speed: 2 to 6 knots
• Endurance: 10 hours at 2,5 knots

Payload Section
• Power Supply: 12 to 48 V
• Communication: RS232, USB, Ethernet
• Payload diameter : up to ~4inch
• Payload length: up to 45cm
• End Nose design – on request

YUCO offers the possibility to integrate a DVL for a more accurate navigation.

For complementary payload options please contact us.


YUCO-Carrier is capable of a very wide type of application depending on the sensor you will embed. See our example of applications with our existing AUV range to get an idea.

Coastal monitoring – Hydrography
YUCO is the only micro-AUV natively designed for fully autonomous coastal deployments YUCO micro-AUV combines small size, with high navigation accuracy, great maneuvrability, and high speed. This makes the YUCO underwater vehicle particularly fitted for coastal deployment. Deploy your AUV, trust your AUV.
Thanks to its proprietary INX© navigation solution, YUCO is the only micro-AUV to have navigation accuracy performances close to high-class AUVs without requiring any external acoustics elements (LBL, USBL). So does not require any operator “following” the AUV and really uses YUCO as a fully autonomous underwater platform.
Combined with DVL (Doppler Velocity Logger) YUCO micro-AUV can compensate for the current and keep great navigation performances in coastal waters.

Launch & recover from a pontoon, RHIB , shore, vessel etc.
YUCO micro-UUV proposes a varied type of start mode, it can be launched from RHIB and start its mission once at a certain depth. If deploying YUCO underwater vehicle from a big vessel or from the shore the SEACOMM UHF handheld command unit allows starting the YUCO up to 2km distance, the YUCO AUV will then dive autonomously.
At the end of its mission, YUCO underwater vehicle comes back to the designated GPS location. It will automatically emit its position so that bearing and distance from YUCO can be visualized from the SEACOMM unit. The SEACOMM unit is also equipped with GPS, the operator can whether get close to the YUCO or send a “come-back-to-me” command.
YUCO micro-UUV only weighs between 7kg and 9kg in air. Its mast handle makes it very easy to recover.

Make vertical profiles, face current, reach depth, keep altitude…
YUCO programming offers a wind range of navigation patterns in order to monitor the depth layers that are to be monitored.
With an embedded depth sensor and optional altimeter or DVL (Doppler Velocity Logger) YUCO micro-AUV can keep navigation whether from the surface or simply follow the ground.
With the unique mode “shutdown-surfacing” YUCO is able to STOP totally its engine and come to the surface naturally with its positive buoyancy at a speed around 30cm/sec. This mode is ideal to perform multiple and georeferenced Physico-chemical profiles.

Varied navigation routes with great spatial coverage
With more than 60km navigational range and more to 5knots speed capability, YUCO micro-AUV is ideally suited to cover a wide area.
Moreover being untethered and not subject to wave and surface conditions it can perform mission much faster missions with a great maneuvrability. YUCO micro-AUV is the ideal platform. Therefore the operators are 100% free and confident to let YUCO micro-UUV do its several mission of several hours while performing other tasks on the field.

Example :
Coastal Dynamics
Hydrography – Bathymetry
YUCO-Scan micro-UUV to perform a side-scan survey in lakes.
Marine Habitat, Coral Reef, Seagrass
Marine mammal

In land waters
Lakes, rivers and harbours
Launched from a pontoon, recovered from the shore
Less than 10kg, YUCO micro-AUV can be launched from the shore or the pontoon. Once in the water it will automatically start its mission. Its small size allows high maneuvrability allows it navigate in a narrow environment and independently from any surface obstacles.
YUCO unmanned vehicle is totally autonomous platform that is releasing the operator from any action during several hours who can perform other tasks on the field. Allowing a single person to multiply its efficiency by a factor of 2 or plus and optimize its time on the field.
Once the mission is over YUCO micro-AUV will come back to the recovery point. Thanks to te SEACOMM tool, via radio-lnk, YUCO can receive GPS signal and a “come-back-to-me” order. YUCO underwater vehicles can dive or navigate to the surface so that you just need to bend and recover it.

Make profiles, reach depth, keep altitude…
YUCO SEAPLAN © programming software offers a wind range of navigation patterns in order to reach all the depth layers that are to be monitored.
YUCO underwater vehicle has a great speed of over 5 knots and maneuvrability with a turning radius down to 10meters in order to navigate properly even in narrow lakes and rivers. YUCO micro-AUV is depth rated down to 300meter and can dive in the deepest lakes.
With an embedded depth sensor and optional altimeter or DVL (Doppler Velocity Logger) YUCO micro-AUV can keep a navigation whether from the surface or simply follow the ground.
With the unique mode “shutdown surfacing” YUCO is able to STOP totally its engine and come to the surface naturally with its positive buoyancy at a speed around 30cm/sec. This mode is ideal for water quality profiles.

Plan easily, save and repeat saved missions
The SEAPLAN interface allows saving the programmed mission.
If you want the YUCO to navigate regularly in a similar area it is then made very easy to re-upload pre-defined mission and be ready to deploy the YUCO micro-AUV in several minutes.
This function is ideal for lakes, harbors, and fixed-geometry areas and to have the YUCO underwater vehicle deployed by non-trained users or third parties.

Lake water-structure – water quality
Lake bathymetry
Search and Rescue

Marine Biology Fisheries/Aquaculture
Varied navigation routes with great spatial coverage
With more than 60km navigational range and more to 5 knots speed capability, YUCO micro-AUV is ideally suited to cover a wide area and manoeuvrer in all types of underwater environments. Moreover, being untethered and not subject to wave and surface conditions it can perform mission much faster missions. YUCO underwater vehicle is the ideal platform to allow operators to be 100% free and confident to let YUCO do its mission of several hours while performing other actions on the field.

Plan easily, save and repeat saved missions
The SEAPLAN interface allows saving the programmed mission. If you want the YUCO to navigate regularly in a similar area it is then made very easy to re-upload pre-defined mission and be ready to deploy the YUCO micro-AUV in several minutes.
This function is ideal for areas that are needed to be monitored on a regular basis such as aquaculture fields or marine habitats.

Ideal to study marine fauna
YUCO underwater vehicle is a non-intrusive friendly companion to marine habitats it has no impacts on the seabed, low-noise emission, and low dynamic disturbance.
Being cable-free and small sized, YUCO micro-AUV is considered a friendly presence so that fishes, mammals, and other marine fauna preserve their natural behavior in presence of the underwater vehicle.

A specific silent mode for acoustic recordings
Thanks to its specific navigation mode “shutdown surfacing” YUCO is able to STOP totally its engine and come to the surface naturally with its positive buoyancy at a speed around 30cm/sec. This shutdown surfacing mode is ideal for YUCO-Sound is able to make the most silent underwater sound recordings.

Flexible payload combination
Whether to make video-camera and light, side-scan sonar, thermistor and multiparameter-sondes, underwater sound recorder.
YUCO unmanned vehicle is suited to study the key parameter at the expected location to better understand marine habitats and marine species.

Marine Habitat, Coral Reef, Seagrass
Marine mammal

Search, rescue, seabed inspection
Divide by 4 the time spent to perform seabed scaning
Thanks to YUCO micro-AUV only light capabilities are required. YUCO underwater vehicles can be transported by hand by a single person, launched from the dockside, or taken into any type of vessel.

Mission through SEAPLAN interface is programmed in several minutes which permits to go quickly on the field. YUCO micro-AUV being depth rated to 300meters it is able to perform Side Scan sonar missions in multiple coastal areas and deep lakes.

At speed from 2knots to 6knots and autonomy from up to almost 10 hours, YUCO underwater vehicles can cover a wide area in a single day.

Improve your underwater search probabilities
Once underwater the YUCO micro-AUV is not subject to surface conditions. Thanks to its INX© accurate navigation solutions and its embedded DVL (Doppler Velocity Logger) YUCO-Scan underwater vehicle can navigate at a fixed distance from the seabed as well as compensate current in its navigation. Its 680kHz Side Scan Sonar allows it to get the most stable and qualitative sonar image.

YUCO-Scan underwater vehicle can also be equipped with an autonomous video camera and light in option that gives additional visual data to the Side Scan Sonar image a “see what is down there”.

Varied navigation routes with great spatial coverage
With more than 60km navigational range and more to 5knots speed capability, YUCO-Scan micro-AUV is ideally suited to cover a wide area.
YUCO micro-UUV is equipped with rechargeable batteries that are charged externally. SEAPLAN © software is quickly accessible via WiFi give access to numero pre-defined navigation patterns.
Moreover being untethered and not subject to wave and surface conditions it can perform mission much faster missions. YUCO micro-AUV is the ideal platform. Therefore the operators are 100% free and confident to let YUCO micro-UUV do its several mission of several hours while performing other actions on the field.

Launch & recover from the pontoon, RHIB, shore, vessel, etc.
YUCO micro-UUV proposes a varied type of start mode, it can be launched from RHIB and start its mission once at a certain depth. If deploying YUCO underwater vehicle from a big vessel or from the shore the SEACOMM UHF handheld command unit allow to start the YUCO up to 2km distance, the YUCO AUV will then dive autonomously.
At the end of its mission, YUCO Auv comes back to the designated GPS location. It will automatically emit its position so that bearing and distance from YUCO can be visualized from the SEACOMM unit. The SEACOMM unit is also equipped with GPS, the operator can whether get close to the YUCO underwater vehicle or send a “come-back-to-me” command.
YUCO micro-UUV only weighs between 7kg and 9kg in air. Its mast handle makes it very easy to recover.

Example :
Search & rescue – after disaster monitoring
Object detection – Seabed Inspection
Marine pollution